Impact Of Assault Or Domestic Violence Charges

One other thing we haven’t brought up is the likelihood of protective orders and how that has an effect on a domestic violence situation because 9 times out of 10, even if the “Victim” opts not to have a protective order or an emergency protective order, to be precise, issued at the time of the incident and that’s generally something the police will offer and it’s good for three days, if the case is filed in criminal court, the prosecutors have made a determination that regardless of what the victim’s position is, they want a protective order in place for the benefit of the alleged victim whether or not the alleged victim actually wants it, sort of like “We know better” type of position. So, the prosecutors will issue a stay-away. And if that involves where the person lives, that can become very problematic.

It’s so intimately intertwined in a person’s daily life, which can include their employment, that really can create a problem. So, from future employment to current employment, to current living situation, a domestic violence arrest, aside from the public humiliation, can really be devastating.

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